Monday, June 6, 2011


On a regular basis, I don't talk much about money. I don't like to talk about rent prices or complain about bills or how much it is to go to the movies. There has been a small piece of my life in which I've had to think and talk about it. That would file under the title of "support raising." I inwardly groan at the thought, and probably you do too. When someone needs to travel to offer help or spread good news, it's obvious that this takes finances. It puts them under pressure to ask their friends, and it puts their friends under pressure to cut out something from their already-tight budget.

Lately, the smallness of my financial conversations developed into the bigness of my thankful conversations, thoughts, and prayers. I cannot tell you how many times I've used the words "overwhelmed" "thankful" "grateful" "excited" and "speechless" in the last month. More than my life quota combined (Mollye can attest). But I am those things. Here's why. I happen to live in a community that takes furthering the Kingdom and spreading the truth of Scripture seriously. I also happen to live in a community that truly values the arts. Thank you God for having this plan since before the beginning of time. So many folks have joined with Mollye and me on this endeavor like I never dreamed possible. They have given and given with words, money, hugs, tears, time, and countless other ways. I've been loved by best friends and people that don't even know me. I know I can only feel so enveloped in this kind of agape love because Christ is the head of His body, and the Holy Spirit is working here.

So OK. Usually I don't discuss money. But sometimes, we gotta give credit where credit is due. I knew God was calling me this year to teach art to beautiful orphaned children. I took a step of faith and told my friends the bare minimum of what I would need financially. God has blessed me through the dear, sweet, generous friends with $1482.30 OVER what I asked for. Now we will be able to take twice as many supplies, and leave this community with a great start for continuing their own art program. To HIM be all the praise!!! I am going to Haiti!!

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." James 1:5

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11

Laus Deo!

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